Committed to greatness
If we believe that there are no accidents in life, then each of us is here for a purpose. There may be a unique purpose for each of us and, once we know what that is, we live our lives accordingly. Our common purpose is to be of service to others. Look at people around you that you admire. What is it about them that you would emulate? How do they demonstrate those qualities? How do you think they feel as they reach out to others? Some of the richest people in the world make it a habit of providing for the needs of others through educational, health, and environmental contributions. Still others give of their time through such projects as Habitat for Humanity. This is how they show their commitment to greatness. What we do for others today is based on the gifts and talents that we have to share. It may be a simple kind act toward a neighbor or for someone we may never meet again. We will be remembered more for our deeds than the size of our bank accounts. What are you doing today to demonstrate that you are committed to greatness?
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