When we set an intention, we must accompany it with determination. Think of this as staying focused on what it is that you desire. The Law of Attraction reminds us that we draw to us that which we think about much like a magnet. Establish a goal which serves as a beacon for your determination. Inbue it with as many physical attributes as you can and imagine it present in your life today. The Universe is about the present and conspires to deliver that which is most prominent for you. When you move forward with determination, set the intention that receiving what you desire will benefit not only you, but all those around you. Soon you will see how your thoughts generate feelings that lead to actions which lead to results. There may be times when you think that the intention will never manifest itself because it is not happening as quickly as you would like it. That is when it is MOST important to hold on to your determination. It may be that you only have to recalculate the direction of your intention based on what you have learned and continue your venture until you achieve success. What are you working on today that has the element of determination attached to it?
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