Don't be cruel
There are days when life just doesn't seem to be going the way you would like it. Your frustration may turn into anger, and you think you have to direct it out into the world to rid yourself of it. Anger has the positive effect of energizing you into action. That action is your choice. There are many constructive ways to vent anger. Scream into a pillow. Exercise. Write out your thoughts of anger and then burn the paper. Whichever technique you choose to release your anger, check in with yourself afterwards to see if it has been effective. Destructive ways of dealing with anger are through mental and physical cruelty to others. Often we choose someone or something unable to defend themselves against such wrath. These can be spouses, children, animals, or even strangers. No one deserves to be the brunt of your anger. Find healthy ways to release what is bothering you without hurting others. Take time to ask yourself what you need in this moment to feel good about who you are. Most often it is related to love and acceptance. Take the high road to being bigger than your anger and frustration. What do you do with your anger and frustration? How are the choices that you make beneficial to you and those around you?
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