Don't give up
Think of a goal or intention that you have desired to manifest. How quickly did that occur for you? There are times when it is immediate and times when it seems like it takes forever. It is during the latter time that you can remind yourself, “This or something better.” Consider what you desire and ask yourself if it is still important to you. If it is, continue to imagine it in your life today and how you feel having it. For seventeen years my intention was to live in a spacious light-filled home. I wrote down all the specifics of what that would look like and how much I would enjoy living there. I lost count of the number of homes I toured hoping that this would be the one. At one point I thought I had found the perfect match, but it never worked as a purchase. I hadn’t considered that home to be in another state. Once I opened myself up to that possibility, the universe delivered on almost everything I had detailed on my list of specifics. Several months ago I moved into a spacious light-filled home and feel such a sense of joy and gratitude for what has manifested. What would have happened if I had given up seventeen years ago on my intention? What I have now is even better than I could have imagined. What is it that you have continued to set as an intention that requires that you don’t give up?
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