Don't just stand there
Have you noticed that there are times in your life when you don't have a clue what to do next? It may be related to a business decision, whether or not to stay in a relationship, or looking at a weight management plan. Which path do you take? The most effective strategy at this time may be to tap into your connection with the Universe for guidance. I find that this takes little time these days since the time elapsing for direction to be given appears to be directly proportionate to my conscious contact with the Universe. The next step is to take action. Just do something knowing that you will be guided. Finally release the outcome. What you may not quite understand at the moment may be a critical action towards achieving the right and perfect result. As you do this you will experience a sense of peace and serenity. The more you open yourself to this state of being, the more clearly you will see the correct path to follow. Your fears and worries will begin to evaporate and you will be in the flow of the Universe's unconditional love for you. What can you do today to take the action needed to live in the flow?
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