Don't quit before the miracle
Sometimes I find that waiting for the results of what I put out to the Universe for manifestation is the hardest piece of the process. I forget that it can take time for all the elements to come together to create what I truly desire. Once I have expressed what I desire, I have to let go of the outcome. In some circles this is referred to as "Let go and let God." The message here is that it is the nature of God/the Universe to provide that which we ask for. It doesn't judge it, it simply responds. Our part is to be open to its arrival in whatever form it takes. That is why I always state what I desire as "This or something better." In many cases the "something better" has manifested and I realized that the Universe does quite an incredible job of delivering. If I give up before it manifests, that will affect the process. What are you seeking today that requires you to practice patience and trust that what you desire will come into your reality?
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