Don't talk to strangers

November 22, 2023

When we were children our parents would warn us not to talk to strangers. Somehow people we did not know could not be trusted. I would see adults making conversation with people they obviously did not know while standing in line at the bank or in a grocery store. I wondered why the rule did not apply to them and at what age it no longer would apply to me. If we think about the Law of Attraction and how it might work in this case, when I send out messages to the Universe that people are not to be trusted, I attract people who are untrustworthy. I have traveled throughout the world and have found that, when I believe that the people I meet are basically good, I will not be disappointed. I think about people with whom I struck up a conversation within minutes of meeting them forming a friendship that has lasted for years. This is true of a family I met within a few minutes of my arrival while visiting in Australia. I also am learning to trust my intuition when I meet someone who is functioning from fear and may abuse that trust. This is seeking guidance from the Universe and acting upon the message I receive. We live in a world surrounded by people we have not yet met. Who knows what good may come from reaching out and talking to a stranger today? The person you speak to could be the answer to a question you have been seeking an answer to. How has extending yourself to a stranger made a positive difference in your life?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.