Easier said than done

September 12, 2024

Have you ever made a decision to change something in your life? Perhaps it was dropping a few unneeded pounds, asking for a raise, or buying a home of your own. The status quo was no longer working for you and it was time to set an intention that would bring a greater sense of satisfaction. You might have begun to share your intention with those around you. You felt excited about the proposed change and received support from friends and families to move forward with it. You didn't really set a date for when that would happen and thought that expressing your desire would be enough. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. You might have had a gnawing feeling inside you regarding the lack of change. What was missing was a plan for making the change. Did you change your eating habits, know how much of a raise you were asking for and the reasons that justified it, or started pricing new homes? What were the obstacles for taking those steps? What would it take to follow through on your commitment to change and what would be your first small step to making it happen?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.