Embracing life

August 8, 2018

Think of your life as an infant who requires love and nurturing to thrive. Imagine holding that infant in your arms and the words you would speak as assurance that you are ever-mindful of its well-being. Would you be harsh and critical or would you promise it your best to thrive? Now make a conscious decision to use these words that nurture thriving in your own life. Wrap your arms around this day knowing that you are the creator of all that is possible for you to thrive. There are endless possibilities in your thoughts, your emotions, and the events that you create from them. You have the choice to embrace your life with love or fear. Just as you would convey such feelings to the child in your arms and instill them as the way to experience life, so do you do the same to yourself each day. Which do you think results in greater happiness? You hold a great duty to yourself to provide only that which allows you to flourish. Listen to what you say to yourself throughout the day to do that. What are the thoughts, words, and actions you are using to embrace life today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.