Endless possibility
We never know when we will be presented with opportunities that lead to us realizing our dreams. While having dinner with a friend I shared a rather broad idea for a project. She made a suggestion about how I might pursue that idea. This led to a comment on my part followed by further suggestions from her. Soon ideas were flying and the details for what the project could be were falling into place. There was so much excitement being generated that we could hardly contain it. We each committed to scheduling a time to meet to further discuss the venture knowing that it felt right for both of us and that we each carried a critical piece for making the project a success. We didn't have to have a perfect description of what the final product would look like. We only needed to trust that the Universe would provide the direction we needed to take. We were standing on the brink of endless possibility knowing that it was time to take action. What have you been thinking about that you would like to have transform into reality?
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