
December 8, 2023

When a person is filled with enthusiasm his or her entire being seems to be transformed. The person doesn't hesitate to engage in the tasks ahead. There is an invisible fuel that burns within them. Their energy level is high and appears to be limitless. I find that my enthusiasm is heightened when I am in alignment with my purpose in life. When I am conversing with others of like mind on a project that can make a positive difference for my fellow man, the words tumble from my lips and the time we spend together seems nonexistent. The same is true for people who are playing on a team, planting a garden, or teaching a child a new skill. We put our heart and soul into what we are doing raising our vibrational level and attracting more of what brings us joy. Enthusiasm can be contagious. Think of a time when someone in a group proposed a plan that resonated with everyone else present. Soon there are smiles and laughter and cooperation to execute the plan and the work attached feels effortless. Perhaps it is time to unleash our enthusiasm and watch where it takes us. What creates enthusiasm for you and what are you doing about it?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.