Exponential gratitude
One way to attract that which we desire is to constantly express gratitude for what we have. We can turn any situation into an opportunity to do this. Let's look at your health. It is easy enough to express your gratitude when you wake up feeling fit and ready to take on the tasks of the day. How can you feel grateful when you aren't feeling so good? If you have a headache, you can be grateful for aspirin. If you have a broken arm, you can be grateful for the body's healing abilities which are truly miraculous. If your broken arm requires additional attention, you can be grateful for physical therapy. If you require an operation, you can be grateful for the advances in medical science that can remedy the condition. The same process is true for any area of your life. The more you feel grateful, the more you attract experiences that generate more of what you desire. You remove yourself from the negative and spend more time thinking and feeling that which is positive. You begin to notice changes for the better. What a great return on your investment that cannot be duplicated by any banking institution. What are you grateful for at this moment that will make a difference in your day?
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