Expressing differences

May 8, 2022

There are aspects of you that contribute to your uniqueness. You are endowed with a combination of specific gifts and talents known only to you. You may attribute these gifts and talents to people like Michelangelo or Edison. They are simply more well-known for how they used them. Your gifts and talents are no less important than theirs. The question becomes, "How are you using what you have been given?" If you have a talent for working with others, how is that showing up for you today? If you are scientifically minded, how are you using that knowledge to make the world a better place to live? If you have a talent for writing, how are you sharing your thoughts with those around you through the written word? I have been told I have a talent for writing. Until I began to write these blogs, I couldn't see that. Now I look forward to sharing what I have learned about life in a manner that no one else can duplicate. Sometimes our talents remain dormant for years until we have the opportunity to nurture them. What is a talent that you have and what are you doing to express it today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.