Facing our fears
Our fears serve as obstacles to attracting what it is that we say we truly desire in life. We say that we desire a healthy relationship and then our fear of choosing the wrong person or our own insecurities come into play. We say that we want financial abundance and then we focus on our fear of the circumstances in today's economy that might bring that about. We say that we desire peace in the world and then we focus on our fear of terrorism. These fears will stop the flow of what we desire much like a clogged pipeline. It is important to locate the source of the clog and remove it so that good can flow into our lives. This requires courage and the need to challenge the fears as creations within our minds. We can just as easily choose to focus on the good that will result from manifesting our desires and trusting that the Universe will deliver upon them. Then be open to how this occurs. What fears are you facing today and what are you willing to do to release them?
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