Finding love

November 21, 2023

Many individuals spend their lives looking for love, especially love with a primary partner. For some individuals their hope is that they will find someone who can contribute to their well-being, their sense of security, or to making them complete. For others it is finding someone whose presence is a sharing of happiness, joy, and the day to day occurrences that add color to our lives. When we talk about finding love, it may be that we are seeing love as elusive, hidden from reach, or subject to luck. While having a human connection can be a wonderful experience, it is important to remember that we have always had love in our lives. That love comes from the source of all life whatever we choose to call it. It is our birthright. We simply forget at times that it is always there and that all we need do is tap into it. Think about what life can be like with a presence of unconditional love. You never have to think about what you say or how you look to impress it and keep it in your life. It will never abandon you. You are deserving of it simply because you exist. What would your life be like knowing that you are always loved?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.