Fond memories
Think back to a time or an event in your life when you felt blissful and content. Perhaps it was a special birthday or a holiday or a vacation. You wished that you could hold onto this time forever. But eventually the memory faded as time passed and you could only capture glimpses of it. When you did, you felt a sense of warmth and happiness. Recalling events such as this can be important, especially when you are going through a rough time in your life. They remind you that there will again be moments for you to cherish. Focus on opportunities to create positive experiences. Make a list of activities that bring you joy They may be a visit to a park or having coffee with a friend. Be in the moment and be aware of how you feel. Having such feelings floods your body with chemicals such as serotonin and oxytocin. These can be mood changing especially if your day is not going as well as you would like it. If there is nothing else you can change, you can always change your outlook on life. What event can you recall that brought a smile to your face and brightened your day?
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