From loser to winner

June 6, 2022

Have you ever questioned an experience wondering why and how this could happen to you? Perhaps the sure-fired investment you made turned south and you lost thousands of dollars. Maybe the relationship you thought would last forever ended abruptly. Our natural inclination is to adopt negative self-talk about the situation. “How could I be so stupid as to invest all my heard-earned money into a losing venture?” “I’m such a loser when it comes to relationships. Who would ever want to be with someone like me?” Assuming a loser position will not likely attract what you desire in life unless that is how you view life in general. Accept your negative self-talk as part of the process of letting go. Then ask yourself what you have learned from this. Maybe you need to do more research before making that investment. Or you recognize that there were red flags in the relationship to begin with. Now ask yourself how a winner would view the situation. This requires you see the positive in all you do. Think of the old adage, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Think of your life experiences as learning opportunities rather than failures. They contribute to who you are today. How can you turn a situation in your life from losing to winning?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.