Fun and games
Think back to your childhood and what it was like to play with your siblings and friends. I grew up in an era where we had a limited number of toys and so we relied on our imaginations when we played. We would build a rather primitive clubhouse out of any scraps of lumber we could find. It was a private place where ony children were welcome. There we would conduct our secret meetings of no particular importance. It was about the fun we had doing it. Our games primarily involved activities where we either chased one another like "Release the den" or made ourselves unfindable such as "Hide and seek." When we were engaged in these activities we were in the moment. Any cares and worries that we had vanished. The same can be said about playing games as adults. We can be in a time when we are experiencing only the present and our energy is renewed. We need only find playmates to do this with. If you have forgotten how to play just look for some four-year-olds. They will teach you what it is all about. When was the past time you had fun playing games?
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