Fun money
One technique you may use to make life more enjoyable is to set aside some "fun money" each month. Find an amount that works for you and put it into your "fun money" account. It doesn't have to be an exorbitant amount of money, just enough to cover the cost of something you like to do. Perhaps it is taking yourself to a movie or treating yourself to dinner. Whatever you choose to do, focus on your thoughts and feelings surrounding it. This is a time to pour on the positive. You have the money, so that isn't a problem. You may find that you still have a difficult time doing something nice for yourself. This is a perfect opportunity to begin to change that self-talk. Imagine how you would talk to someone who you know deserves to be treated in this manner. Then focus on developing positive feelings around treating yourself. Savor those feelings just as you do the actual event. Eventually you will notice the feelings becoming more of a part of your daily life. What would you spend your "fun money" on today?
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