Going through the motions
There are days when it seems like the best you can do is to get through them with as little effort as possible. You seem to lack the energy needed to demonstrate any kind of enthusiasm for life. Perhaps you are dealing with a change in job status, the end of a relationship, or financial concerns. You may be experiencing the grieving process based on a loss. One of the stages of grieving is depression. If this sounds familiar to you, there are ways that you can move through this stage. Begin by accepting that this is a normal state when loss occurs. Then identify people you know who can support you through this stage without judging you. Don't accept, "Just get over it" as a solution. That is like walking around with a broken arm and ignoring it hoping that it will heal on its own. Look for opportunities to volunteer. Helping others is a great way to help yourself. Go for walks and notice the world around you. Eventually you will move into acceptance of the situation. If you find yourself going through the motions for an extended period of time, you may want to consider seeking professional help. This may be especially true if you cannot pinpoint a specific incident that would be causing a depression. Most importantly, recognize that you deserve to be experiencing life to the fullest. The first step is being aware that something is standing in the way of that occurring. Be willing to take the action that will move you beyond this place in your life. Are you simply going through the motions today and what is your first step towards changing that?
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