Good, bad, or indifferent
We tend to judge events in our lives as good, bad, or indifferent. We categorize events as good that match what we were hoping for. It may be winning the lottery, finding the mate of our dreams, or being promoted at work. The feelings that accompany these events are positive in nature: jubilation, love, and fulfillment. They create higher vibrational levels that attract more of the same. We categorize events as bad that fall quite short of what we are expecting. It may be losing your home, being diagnosed with a terminal disease, or having to file bankruptcy. The feelings that accompany these events are negative in nature: sorrow, despair, or shame. These emotions are associated with low vibrational levels and can attract events that further add to what we are experiencing. For some it creates what is known as a victim mentality. Then there are the events that are perceived as indifferent or neutral. These have little emotion attached to them. They tend to be part of our daily routine such as preparing to go to work, driving to the store, or mailing a package. They take on a different flavor only when something unexpected occurs in a positive or negative direction like finding a ten dollar bill while mailing the package or having a fender bender while driving. How we look at the overall collection of these events determines our attitude toward life. Which category generally describes your overall experiences?
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