Group think
The collective thoughts of a group can be a powerful force. Their effects are based on where they are focused thus attracting whatever that focus might be. In some cases it is on the conscious level, but it may be so pervasive that members of the group aren't even aware of it. A term we commonly use in our society is a "war" on something. It may be a war on poverty, drugs, or guns. What people don't realize is that when they focus on war, they attract all that accompanies it - struggle, strife, conflict, loss. Wars assume that there will be a winner and a loser. Rarely does that occur in the long run. What if a group chose to focus on the positive that they actually desire? That might be peace, cooperation, abundance for all. Their group focus would bring about the desired changes because that is where they are concentrating their thoughts and efforts. Which do you think serves the greater good of all involved? Which side of group think are you contributing to today and what effects do you see of its manifestation?
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