Guilty feelings
Sometimes feelings of guilt can hold us back from achieving or having what we truly desire in life. What if I came from a family that struggled financially throughout its history and I had an opportunity to become wealthy? How would I then fit into my family? The same could be true of pursuing a college degree when that is beyond the educational level of everyone else around you. Our guilt is a reminder that we are not fully deserving of what we are capable of being and doing. And so we choose to continue to play small to fit in. Or we may only achieve at a limited level because we don't believe that we entitled to limitless possibility. We also label ourselves with words such as selfish and overly ambitious to reinforce our limited thinking. The gifts and talents that were bestowed upon you were done so for a reason - to expand who you are. Our guilt prevents us from expanding. It is time to release it and move from "I can't" to "I can" with confidence. Embrace success in your life in all its many forms. Then take the first steps to having that happen in your life. Identify those around you who celebrate your growth and make them an integral part of your life. What would success look like for you t
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