Happy days
As you awaken today you welcome a day filled with so much potential. This is fueled by the thoughts and feelings that accompany that awakening. Do you see a day charged with excitement and anticipation or one based on worry and fear? You may not be able to change the circumstances that present themselves to you, but you can always change your attitude toward them. What if you awoke and decided that today was going to be one of joy and happiness? Rather than focus on what goes wrong, you focus on these events as opportunities. You turn what appears to be a negative situation at work into a chance to develop a new skill surrounding it. A cancelled appointment opens your time to work on a project that you have been avoiding. You see negatives as really positives. Think back to the times when you were hoping for a specific outcome and they never transpired. Now look at your life today and how much better it turned out by that outcome not happening. All of this contributes to living a happy life today. It comes from realizing that happiness comes from within and not from external events. It is your response to what is happening in your life that truly matters and that is always within your control. What will you do today that will create a day of happiness?
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