Having serious doubts

February 15, 2023

We begin our use of the Law of Attraction by expressing an intention. The speed with which the intention manifests is often determined by the type of vibration accompanying it. When we are experiencing and expressing emotions such as joy and enthusiasm, we are sending out positive vibrations that increase the speed of the manifestation occurring. When we are experiencing emotions such as doubt and worry regarding our intention, the likelihood of it manifesting is severely compromised. Doubts prevent us from allowing our intentions to manifest by setting up obstacles that keep those intentions at bay. Begin to challenge those obstacles and negative beliefs by reminding yourself that there are people who have these manifestations in their lives already. These manifestations may include a high paying job, a loving marriage, or a healthy body. Write a statement that corresponds to this manifestation and continue to focus on it. Watch what happens to your doubts. What are doubts that you are having that need to be replaced with positive beliefs?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.