I always wanted to tell you
We think we have all the time in the world to tell someone about how much they mattered to us. That is until the time comes when that person is no longer available to speak with. Most often that comes in the form of their death. We find ourselves regretting that we had not shared the effect they had on our life or how much we truly loved them. We would give anything to have even a moment with them for that to happen. There are so many things I would have liked to have shared with my parents before they died. There are so many unanswered questions that could have made for hours of conversation. We ask ourselves why we never made the attempt to reach out and speak to them. Most often it is based on, "I guess I never thought that I wouldn't have the opportunity" or "My life was so busy I never got around to it." Perhaps this is the time to make time if the person you care about is still alive. Think of what you would like to share and then do it. Your life will be fuller as a result of it? Who do you need to tell about their importance in your life and what would you say to them?
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