I just had a thought

June 13, 2018

Look around you. Everything that you see is the result of a thought. Your appliances, the clothing you wear, the food you eat, the car you drive. First came the thought, followed by the action, and ending in the tangible result in front of you, The device you are using to read this blog entry had its origins in an idea that was acted upon in developing the prototype and refined to its current form. The vacation you took to Hawaii began as a thought of what an ideal destination would be for fun and relaxation. The train of thought is endless. When our thoughts are based on a positive emotional state, they produce only the highest quality results. Think of it as the medium into which it is planted. When the medium is fertile as in joy, excitement, or happiness, it yields a thriving crop. When the medium lacks nutrients and is filled with anger, envy, or resentment, it brings forth a limited product. Sow the seeds of your thoughts in fertile ground just like Da Vinci, Edison, and Tesla and see how they grow. Imagine how they felt as they focused on their creations. Knowing this, how will use the power of your thoughts to create the future you desire?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.