If you had Aladdin's lamp
What would your life be like if you possessed Aladdin's lamp and could be granted three wishes? (No, you couldn't wish for an indeterminate number of wishes.) We are always cautioned to be careful what we wish for. Suppose you wished for a world free of war and conflict. When the wish was granted there were no human beings. If one of your wishes was for a world free of disease and hunger, what you might be granted is a world in which no one died. What would the planet look like if that was the case? But what if one of your wishes was for each person on the planet to experience the full impact of the love that the Universe has to bestow upon them? Think of what that world would look like. Would there be need for any more wishes? Yet the potential behind that wish already exists. As humans we often choose to close our hearts off to that love for so many reasons. We forget that we are all deserving of such love. What would you wish for if you had Aladdin's lamp in your hands right now?
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