It ain't necessarily so

June 2, 2021

What we state as being true and real are the product of what we create through our thoughts. When we share with others what we believe to be true or real, we are sharing how that information fits into our life story. Just think of what occurs when people observe a car accident. There will be as many versions of what happened as there are witnesses. Does that mean that they are incorrect in their observations? More likely the experience is colored by their physical positioning in relation to the accident, their state of mind in not having their full attention on the accident to begin with, or in their focusing on the bigger picture of the accident and not the details, i.e. is anyone needing immediate medical attention? You will see the variations in the reports collected by the attending officers. The same is true in all aspects of our lives. Our interpretation of what is happening is based on what we bring to the situation. There are people who find themselves in a position of grave danger and threat to life who see beyond that to achieve feats of bravery. Still others are paralyzed in this instance and can barely move to take any kind of action. We each hold the capacity to see the world in a multitude of ways at any given moment. We then incorporate these perceptions into our life stories making them the truth and holding fast to them. To test this practice, ask several of your friends to share an experience such as watching a television drama and ask them to write down what they just saw. The results will amaze you. Be aware that you are in charge of your thoughts and the results they create. What thoughts and experiences do you need to look at today in a different way?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.