It just ain't so
When I begin to think in the negative, I have to remind myself that it is only a judgment of what is happening in the moment. This applies to thoughts related to my current financial situation, a misunderstanding with a friend, or a need for more clients. I may base my thoughts on what appear to be facts, but a fact today can change tomorrow. For instance, I might state that I have only three clients on my schedule today and worry about how I am going to cover my expenses. If I release this situation to the Universe, clients may show up in ways I never imagined. I can affirm that I attract all the clients I need for a healthy and prosperous practice. Tomorrow the fact might be that I have seven clients to see. What appears to be a source of distress in the moment can change in the blink of an eye if I let it. What are you having negative thoughts about that could use a different perspective?
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