It's just stuff
On any given weekend you will find events such as garage sales, estate sales, and rummage sales occurring in neighborhoods across the country. Here is your opportunity to find incredible deals on no longer wanted or needed items. Remember that these same items were once considered to be of value for the owner. Perhaps the items were gifts from friends and family. You think of the enjoyment that these possessions provided for the time they were owned. I have on occasion attended an estate sale and look at a dinner plate or a napkin picturing the person in the midst of friends with the item in hand. Now for whatever reason these items have outlived their usefulness and sit waiting for a new owner to realize their value. The cycle will repeat itself until the item is relegated to the trash. It has served its purpose and awaits a new beginning in some other form. We may consider these objects to be inanimate and yet they serve as the source of a multitude of feelings that nourish our spirits. If you have ever read The Velveteen Rabbit you will know what I mean. Look around you at all the "stuff" you possess and the stories they hold. They are what make you uniquely you. What stories does your stuff tell about you?
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