It's the little things
It would be wonderful if we could all make million dollar donations to our favorite charities or create a device that could produce vast quantities of food. There are such people, and they are to be acknowledged for their great deeds. For the majority of us it is the small deeds that we can perform daily that can have just as much impact on those around us. Think of ways that you can be of service to others. Perhaps it is volunteering at a local shelter for the homeless or reading to a group of children at the local library. It could be spending one Saturday a month picking up trash in the park. Each of the lives and places you touch will be left better off because you chose to show that you care. Perhaps a child in your reading group will hear a story that inspires him or her to continue reading in this area leading to a major in college that also serves the world. Do not judge the magnitude of your giving as to its value. You may never know of its far reaching effects. Know that no small deed goes unnoticed in the larger scope of life. Your act may be the seed for a life changing opportunity for another individual. That is the power you carry when you act out out love, caring, and service. What is one little thing you can do today that can act like a pebble in a pool?
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