Jump starting your day
What motivated you to get out of bed this morning? Were you looking forward to greeting the day with joyful anticipation or more of a sense of dread? In either case you started your day based on a story that you created as to how you believed it would play itself out. The only reality that it holds is the one you have bestowed upon it. Given the choice of stories, why would you want to select the one that starts your day with a negative mindset? It can be just as easy to create a story that includes all the good that can happen. Then watch to see how the Universe complies to supply the elements of your story. Focus on the feelings you would like to experience during the day. "Today I chooose to spend my waking hours finding the good in all that is around me." "Today is filled with golden opportunities just waiting for me to discover them." "Today I am open to extravagant demonstrations of love." You may use any of these greetings or compose one of your own. Practice jump starting your day this way for one month. Then simply become aware of what the day looks like for you. I start my day by writing this blog and it certainly sets the tone for my thoughts and feelings following my publishing of it. How did you jump start your day and what can you do differently tomorrow if needed?
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