Just around the corner
When we think about what it is we want in life, we may set an intention for it to become a reality. It may be a college degree, a position in a specific company, or to start a family. Each of these may be an opportunity to use the gifts and talents we have been given. But none of these will materialize instantaneously. The degree will require that we file for admissions, register for classes, and complete the required curriculum. The position we hope to obtain involves an application, an interview, and a job offer. This process is referred to as The Law of Gestation. It is the time required to have your intention manifest. To the Universe time is irrelevant. Whatever we desire is just around the corner for the Universe and we may need to take action for it to be fulfilled. We may need to keep our focus on this intention over a number of years. My doctoral advisor would tell people that I should have received an award for the longest time in a program. The hard work paid off many years later when I walked down the aisle at the commencement ceremony. Our dreams may require patience to birth into the life we imagine. What is just around the corner for you?
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