Listen and learn
There is a reason for having two ears and one mouth. We need to listen twice as much as we talk. When we listen, we learn new information. This information may be helpful in solving a problem we are having or seeing a new way of looking at life. It provides a new perspective. Much of what I do for a living involves listening. I not only listen with my ears, but I listen with my eyes. The words that people speak constitute only about 7% of what they are communicating. The other 93% comes from body language and nonverbals such as gestures or from tone of voice and inflection. If I am busy talking, I will most likely miss the subtleties of the message. It is surprising to note the incongruencies between what people say with their words and what they say with their bodies. They may be saying "Yes" while shaking their head "No." If you are listening with your ears and eyes, you will receive the true message. Some people have a natural talent for listening. I had to learn it. Listening is learnable. As you interact with people today, be aware of whether you do more talking or listening. What do you learn when you listen?
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