Living our labels
We can wear our labels as a statement to the world as to who and what we are. It may be "pretty," "smart," or "shy." We then spend our lives proving our label to the world. Our looks may become the most important aspect of who we are and we do everything we can to maintain them. Time is our enemy and we must do all we can to fend off its effects on our physical appearance. Or we see ourselves as brighter than those around us and continually point out that fact to them in our actions. Or we perceive ourselves as painfully shy and use this as a way to avoid closeness with others. Each of these is a quality that we are free to determine how we live out its presence. Wouldn't it be much easier to see it as only one characteristic you possess and work with it in a way that benefits you and others? There are so many labels from which we choose that define us in our eyes. What if we shifted our focus to how we use what we have been given? It will open you to new ways of being in the world. You can be more adventurous in sharing that with others and life can be more enjoyable and fulfilling. What labels are you wearing and how can you change your perspective of their presence in your life today?
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