Living your dream
How does the life you are living today match the life you dreamed of? Think back to when you were five years old. The only future I could imagine at that point is my life related to the year 2000. I would be 51 years old when that occurred. To me that was old and I pictured myself barely functioning. When the year 2000 rolled around, I was still working, going to the gym regularly, and had an active social life. That definitely shattered the image I had as a five year old. Fast forward a number of years to graduating from college. My dream was still rather fuzzy. I pursued becoming a teacher because I really hadn’t explored other career options. Although I was good in my profession, I wondered what life would have been like had I gone a different route. It took me well into my 50s before I created a dream of what my life could be. Once I did that, opportunities came my way to make those dreams a reality. The important part of this was that I finally reached that point in my life. Better late than never. Up until that point I allowed life to happen to me. Now it happens through me. Where are you in living the life you dream knowing that it is never too late to begin to do that?
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