Long-term relationships

November 22, 2021

Think about people you have met over the years. How many of them would you consider to be long-term relationships? What exactly constitutes a relationship that endures over time? Begin with the first decade of your life. Of the people you knew at that time, how many of them are still in your life today? Now move through each of the subsequent decades and ask the same question. For each person that you name for that decade, what is it that maintains the relationship? Is it shared memories, a common interest, a genuine concern for one another, or that you simply enjoy each other’s company? It might be a combination of these. What happens to bring an end to such relationships? Many times there is a growing apart due to a variety of circumstances. Lives don’t always progress in a parallel manner and the bond that you had may weaken and cease to exist. We celebrate those relationships that sustain themselves and are saddened by those that do not. We remain open to forming new bonds as we release the old. It is part of the ebb and flow of life that brings new experiences through the people we meet. What have your long-term relationships been based on and where are they today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.