Making a conscious effort

February 5, 2022

For change to occur in your life it takes a conscious effort. Of course we are referring to a change from within. Change begins with awareness. For whatever reason your current behavior or thought process is no longer producing its desired effect. It may be that you need to look at your eating habits or examine your attitude about a specific issue. It is time to consider something different to achieve what you desire. This involves weighing a set of possibilities to determine which you are willing to try. Once you have decided with ones you wish to explore, you have to be willing to pursue them knowing that they may feel uncomfortable at first. This is uncharted territory so be willing to allow the initial stages of change to feel foreign. As you develop familiarity with these new behaviors and thought patterns, they will become a habit. It may take several months for this to happen, so don't give up. You are on a constant path of self-improvement. Give yourself permission to change what is needed in that process. Tap into the emotions that you feel as a result of making these conscious changes. What are you making a conscious effort to change today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.