My cup runneth over
When you hear the word "abundance" what images come to mind for you? Do you see vast amounts of money, friendships, business opportunities, health? Does it bring up feelings like happiness, joy, hopefulness, and excitement? Abundance is not something we seek. It has always been available to us. We are surrounded by it in all shapes and sizes. It is in the air we breathe, the water we use, and the food we eat. You may question the previous statement by noting that what was just mentioned may be present in short supply. That is looking at what is available through a lens of scarcity and lack. The Universe is all about abundance. Just look at the night sky filled with an unlimited number of stars and galaxies. Look at the grains of sand on the beach or the volume of water droplets in our oceans and lakes. As you awaken, begin your day with an awareness of the abundance around you. The more you focus on its presence in your life, the more you will attract it to you. Ask yourself, "Am I focused more on what I have or what I lack?" Then look at your world and see how it reflects your focus. What would you like more of as an example of abundance and what can you do to manifest that?
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