My "I don't have to" day
Every once in awhile it is fun to declare an "I don't have to" day. "It's Saturday morning. I don't have to get up at 6 AM." "It's pouring down rain. I don't have to water the lawn or wash the car." "There is no one else home but me. I don't have to cook dinner tonight." The point behind this is that you have the choice to run aspects of your day; it doesn't run you. Of course tasks such as paying your bills and sending your children to school probably wouldn't qualify for such an approach. But how about this? "Today I am choosing to release the outcomes of my problems knowing that solutions will come. I don't have to worry." Or "Today I recognize that the adults around me are responsible for their own lives. I don't have to control them." How would your life be if you incorporated these choices into your "I don't have to" day? This exercise is designed to help you become more conscious of the freedom of choice that is yours throughout your day. It can help you to avoid the victim role and add to your personal power. What is the first thing that you would declare for your "I don't have to" day?
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