Never too late
Have you ever heard someone say that they wished they had either attempted or accomplished something when they were younger? They may frame it as a missed opportunity or as a regret. They may express it as “If only I had pursued my interest in writing” or “If only I had studied harder in school.” While it may not be possible to change the past, it may not be too late to alter the present and thus the future. Ask yourself what it is that you may not have taken action on when you were younger. Now think of ways that you could create new opportunities at this point in your life. If you had an interest that you wanted to pursue, what could you do to explore moving in that direction? If you had an interest in writing, ask yourself what you would write about. If it was an interest in poetry, try your hand at penning a poem. Or maybe you could find poems you had written in the past that would reaffirm your talent in this area. When it comes to your efforts with studying, ask yourself what topic would motivate to maintain your focus. What are you passionate about learning? Have fun thinking of the ways you could live your life without regret. What is it that you are ready to explore from when you were younger and what is the first small step you can take to manifest it in your life today?
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