Stumbling blocks
You have a clear picture in your mind as to what you want in life. Not only can you apply all of your senses to its presence in your life, you feel it as if it is occurring in the moment. Those feelings may include joy, excitement, enthusiasm, or fulfillment. You feel absolutely confident that it is manifesting for you. Then something happens that throws you off course. You experience a setback and your feelings of confidence are replaced with feelings of doubt, disappointment, and worry. Your self-talk changes to questioning what you want in life and whether you really deserve it. You have hit a stumbling block. What happens next is up to you. You can return to your former way of life or resolve to hold on to what you want. This may require you to reexamine your beliefs and identify old ones that may be getting in the way of achieving what you desire in life. Commit to your new healthy beliefs and revisit the image of what you seek. Infuse it with as much positive energy as you can muster. Do what you can to step over or around that stumbling to move on. What stumbling blocks are keeping you from what you truly want in life?
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