No place like home

September 5, 2016

There is a difference between a house and a home. A house is simply a structure with four walls and a roof. A home is a place filled with memories and experiences. During my childhood I lived in three homes. Each one was special in its own way. The first home had a shared back yard with space for us Baby Boomer children to play during the hot summer days. The second home was the one I occupied when I began school. It was close enough to the main street of town to walk to the Saturday morning movies that only cost 25 cents admission. My third home was the one my parents built and the one I lived in until my 20s. My memories included having to be home when the street lights turned on and that no one ever locked their doors at night. I have lived in many homes since then, and each one carried with it both pleasant and not so pleasant memories. They are what contributed to the person I am today. My current home serves as a source of future memories. I do what I can to make them as positive as possible. What memories and experiences do you associate with the homes you have lived in and how do you feel as you recall them?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.