Not by accident
We think of an accident as being unexpected or unforeseen often with negative consequences. We may have an accident involving our car, breaking an object of value, or cut ourselves while using a knife. Then there are the accidents we have with our words. We say something to or about someone else and it elicits a hurt within them. What we think of as events that seem to come out of nowhere are actually the result of the Law of Cause and Effect. In every case there is a cause. Perhaps the driver was distracted, the grip needed to hold the vase securely was not strong enough, or the person using the knife had wet hands. The harsh words were first thoughts before they were spoken. What follows cause is a natural or logical effect. Two cars collide, a vase shatters, a finger bleeds, or feelings are hurt. When we look at the nature of the so-called accident, we are seeing the Law of Cause and Effect in motion. This is much like the Law of Attraction in its principles. Think of the last time you observed or were part of an accident. What might the cause have been? Could it have been avoided? If you were involved as part of the Cause, what could you do next time to reduce the likelihood that an accident (the Effect) would happen? The laws of the Universe can be applied to our lives on a daily basis to make life easier for us. Watch what happens today related to the Law of Cause and Effect. What causes can you identify and what power do you have on their effect?
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