Nothing ventured
To expand our openness to what is available to us, it is necessary to think of the actions we would take to create a reality that brings joy and freedom. When we play it safe and repeat patterns of behavior that keep us in a rut or in the victim role, nothing changes. We go through the day attracting more of what we say we no longer want. Think of one small step you could take to begin walking a new path towards a new life. You might start by looking for an opportunity to engage with another person in the way you would like to be treated. It could be through an act of kindness or words of encouragement or a simple , "Thank you," for a behavior that made your life easier. After you do this, check in with yourself and ask how you feel. You should notice a difference. How would your life be if you felt like this more often? You can make a conscious decision to add more of these behaviors each day until they become a normal part of your life. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. What is one small step you can take today toward changing your life?
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