Noticing differences

September 11, 2017

Growing up in Pennsylvania I recall the sounds of songbirds from Spring through Fall. The morning air was filled with their music. It has been almost 40 years since I moved across the country to my home in northern California. I live in a residential community with trees of all varieties. There is no lack of branches from which songbirds can perch and send forth their music. What I have recently noticed is what I hear when I awaken - silence. What happened for such as change to take place? Is this a local phenomenon? The only birds I hear now are the crows and for me their cawing does not put them in the same category as songbirds. Sometimes differences are dramatic and other times they are gradual. Their passing brings questions of whether this is permanent or temporary. It would be difficult to imagine future generations being deprived of nature's gift of song. As I travel the country I will be aware of this music and be grateful for its presence. What differences have you noticed in your life lately and what thoughts and feelings accompany them?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.