Open to answers

April 2, 2023

We always have a choice as to whether we want to focus our attention on the problem or be open to solutions. When we focus on the problem we attract more experiences that seem to magnify the situation. When we place the problem in the hands of the Universe and ask for direction, we begin to receive solutions. I have been doing this with a specific situation for the last month. This morning I received a spiritual reading that addressed the problem directly and helped to clarify the next steps I need to take. There is no need for me to take control of the matter, even though there may be some actions I will need to take. Those actions will become clear to me as I move forward. I have my emotional guidance system to provide feedback on these actions. Those actions that are accompanied by agitation, fear, and frustration are indicators that I am probably on the wrong path. Feelings of serenity, peace, and joy serve as feedback that I am headed in the right direction. All I need do is remain open to what the Universe has to tell me. What answers have you received lately in response to a problem you are encountering?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.