Pass the buck

April 24, 2018

When it comes to money there are only two actions associated with it: save it or spend it. We elect to save money to plan for future expected and unexpected expenses. We spend money to pay for our needs. Each of us defines what those needs are and spend accordingly. Imagine our use of money to be analogous to breathing. When we save, we are breathing in; when we spend, we are breathing out. Each has its own necessary function. You cannot live long if you eliminate one aspect of breathing. Think of the balance in breathing and the balance of the circulation of money. If everyone was to adopt a saving only modality, there would be no money for others to use. If there was only a spending mentality, you would not have the funds for your future plans. When both actions are in balance, there is a flow. Now think of the emotions that surround money. Fear or love can be associated with both ways to approach money. We can save or spend out of fear. We can do the same out of love. What emotion do you most often attach to the use of your money? How does that bring more of it into your life today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.