Peaks and valleys
If the world consisted of nothing but peaks, it would be relatively flat. We see valleys as the times in our lives when we are facing difficulties and challenges. Sometimes they feel insurmountable. It is in these times when we muster all the courage and hope we have within us to move upward and onward. Our peaks are the goals we set and the achievements related to them. When we arrive at our peaks we feel a sense of joy and elation. For many of us our peaks are short-lived. Before we know it we are on our way to the next peak in sight which will likely involve traversing another valley or two. Yet isn't it in our valleys that our greatest learning occurs? We develop new inner strength and the means to solve the problems that were present while in that valley. We accept the peaks and valleys as a natural ebb and flow of who we are in the world. When we are in a place of serenity, the valleys don't feel so low and the peaks not quite as high. The most important part of our journey is that we are never alone. Help is all around us for the asking especially when we are in the valleys. And we surround ourselves with others when we stand atop the peaks in our lives. Today are you in a peak or valley and what are your next steps in your journey beyond that?
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